By visiting our website or purchasing or using our blog, e-mails, videos, social media, courses, products and/or services, including photography, from Underexposed, LLC or Danielle Uhl, you agree to accept this Disclaimer.

All information provided in all the materials are developed through research and designed from my education, experiences, and research, and are meant to help you in your photography and business. However, there is no guarantee on your results or earnings by purchasing and using these services, courses, recommendations, strategies, tools, or ideas. Therefore, any decisions for you and your business are determined by your own judgment, and we cannot be held liable for any of the actions that you take. With this, you agree not to hold Underexposed, LLC, Danielle Uhl, or any employees of the company, liable for any loss or expenses or costs incurred by you or in association with you, as a result of the offers of our products, courses, and/or services.

All information is not a substitute for professional advice, including, but not limited to, financial, legal, medical, psychological, or other trained providers.

Due to the nature of the digital products and courses, or services, by making a purchase you agree to the following, that all purchases are non-refundable. Once your payment is processed, the product is yours. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Danielle or Underexposed, LLC before purchasing.

The opinions expressed by the authors on this site and those providing comments are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of all the people who work for Underexposed, LLC.

Opinions here are simply opinions: not intended to malign any religion; ethnic group; club; organization; company; or individual, anyone or anything. Posts should not replace any health, financial, or legal advice from a professional. Neither Underexposed, LLC nor our authors can assume legal responsibility for the accuracy of any statements made in our blog. You should not rely on the opinions expressed and for guidance on any legal, financial, mental, or health matter you should seek your own independent advice.

Whilst we will try to be as accurate as possible, we make no promises, and Underexposed, LLC is not responsible for the accuracy of any of the information supplied by the authors here. A blog is always in transition. The information we publish today might not be valid or accurate two weeks or two years from now. Content, sources, information and links change over time, so please don’t get cross about it. Check the date of the post:  if it’s old it’s probably outdated by now.

Likewise, we will always try to attribute text or images to their originators where possible. If we forget, please tell us and we’ll try to put it right as soon as we can.

Please see our TERMS OF USE and PRIVACY POLICY for more information about the terms of access to our site.