5 Biggest Mistakes to Avoid for Perfect Fall Family Photos | Denver Family Photographer Underexposed®

Fall is one of the most picturesque seasons, offering a beautiful backdrop for family photos -- especially here in Colorado. The vibrant colors, cozy sweaters, and golden-hour light provide the perfect setting for any type of photo session -- families, weddings, engagement, proposals and special announcements, senior portraits, you name it! However, there are common mistakes that can turn this idyllic scene into a missed opportunity, especially for Fall family photos. Here are the biggest mistakes to avoid to ensure your fall family photos capture the beauty of the season and your family's unique personality and connection.

5 Biggest Mistakes to Avoid for Perfect Fall Family Photos

1. Waiting to Book

Why It Matters:

We know in Colorado, the beautiful Fall colors only last for a short couple of weeks -- if we're lucky! So often, families wait until the leaves are already yellow to even book their session. Fall is the BUSIEST time of the year for ALL photographers. You don't want to wait until the last minute to book your photoshoot, especially if you want a weekend date or a specific date because you have family in town for the photoshoot.

How to Avoid It:

Book your Fall Family Photos NOW! Because "peak season" for the Fall colors always change, I usually tell my clients that we can hold a date for their photoshoot and check-in as we get closer for date, time, and best location. That way, they are on the calendar and their Fall family photos are planned, even if we need to be flexible with the date (and weather) to get the best photos! Don't wait to get on the calendar -- book your photography session now.

2. Inconsistent or Match-y Outfits

Why It Matters:

Choosing outfits for photoshoots can be challenging. Especially when you have an entire family (or extended family) to plan for! If you don't take a little time to plan, every day outfits can be too inconsistent with each other and potentially clash or be too distracting. On the flip-side, too much planning and ending up with matching outfits for the whole family can have you regretting your decision later. (We all have THOSE family photos, don't we!) It may seem like a good idea at the time, but matching too much doesn't make a timeless photo.

How to Avoid It:

Don't worry, this is something I make sure to discuss with my clients when planning their Fall family photos. One of the best things you can do is to choose a color palette to follow that complements the fall scenery—think earthy tones like burgundy, mustard, navy, and olive. I usually recommend more solid color tops instead of too many different patterns too to keep it simple. Coordinate outfits within this palette for your family to make it more complimentary to one another so that it looks planned but not too match-y.

To help you prepare, check out my other blog post, How to Prepare for Your Family Photography Session.

Fall family photos 2

3. Forced Poses

Why It Matters:

It's typical to want the "one, good, traditional, all-smiling-at-the-camera" family photo. You know, the one to use for the family Christmas card, hang over the mantel, etc. While this is totally fine and should be one of the many photos captured, it's also easy to be too focused on certain poses. If there's a certain pose you want to try during your Fall family photos, that's great! Sometimes a specific pose may feel awkward for you or not always be the most flattering for every body. Also, it's common to feel awkward, unnatural, or nervous in front of the camera. Stiff, unnatural poses can make your family photos look staged and less genuine.

How to Avoid It:

Be flexible and try to relax as much as you can. Trust your photographer to help pose you and your family, make adjustments, and help you look your absolute best! I always work to get a mix of traditional, smiling at the camera poses, as well as more candid, natural interaction photos so you have a variety of moments and memories as well as options for canvases or holiday cards! Play with your kiddos, tell a joke, or go for a walk hand-in-hand. Candid moments are often some of the best photos.

If you are someone who hates having their picture taken or feels awkward in front of the camera, check out my other blog post, Read This if You Hate Getting Your Picture Taken.

4. Rescheduling for Cloudy Weather

Why It Matters:

Fall weather, especially in Colorado, can be unpredictable. Many of my past clients have contacted me the day before or the day of their photoshoot worried about the cloudy weather, often worrying and asking to reschedule. However, cloud coverage can actually be some of the best weather for photoshoots and result in great photos! Light clouds or overcast weather actually serves as a light diffuser for the sun, giving you some of the best lighting for any photoshoot because it offers consistent lighting with little-to-no shadows. When there's bright sunshine, the lighting can be trickier casting shadows if you're outdoors.

How to Avoid It:

It's still a good idea to check the weather forecast leading up to your photoshoot. If your photographer is worried about the rain or poor weather, they should let you know. However, overcast cloud coverage can be better! Even if there are a few more stormy looking clouds, these can actually make for more dramatic looking photos if you're up for the adventure!

5. Focused on Perfect Photos

Why It Matters:

Let's face it (to all my mamas out there), planning, preparing, and getting everyone out the door for a family photoshoot is stressful... I've seen it so many times! Plus, then you have the added potential stressors of wanting the Fall colors before they're gone, nice weather, not to mention hoping that no one ends up getting sick or spilling something on their outfit. I get it. It's really easy to get caught up and focused on having everything go right, and making sure that all the kiddos are smiling -- and not the cheesy smile or crazy face either.

How to Avoid It:

Here's my best tip for you. On the morning of your Fall family photos, wake up extra early and leave early for your photoshoot. This way, if nothing else, you have a little bit of extra time to relax, get present, and recenter yourself on enjoying the photoshoot and this time with your family! The more relaxed you are during the session, the more you will love your photos! You'll be relaxed, present, truly smiling, and capturing the best pictures because of that! Relax, have fun, and enjoy the process!

Ready to Book Your Fall Family Photos?

If you’re ready to book a photography session, let’s chat!

How Often Should You Update Your Family Photos?

Over the years, I've gotten to photograph hundreds of families and watch them grow, change, get older, graduate, get married, start a family of their own, and more. While it’s fun to look through photos to see how your loved ones grow and change over the years, the sad truth is that photos are our forever memories when loved ones pass away as well. That's why it's so important to update your family photos regularly, ideally every year.

Check out my other blog post 3 Reasons Why Updating Your Family Photos Every Year is Essential to learn more.

Unique Ideas for Fall Family Photos

If you're ready to plan and design your own unique Fall family photos, check out my other blog post, Unique Ideas for Designing Your Fall Family Pictures.

Or maybe you're designing another type of session? Check out this article for preparing for your Engagement session. Check out my Ultimate Guide for preparing for your Senior portraits. Or inquire here to design a photoshoot to fit you!

How to Choose a Location

Maybe you have a perfect location in mind or a favorite spot with your family. In case you need recommendations, check out some of my favorite photoshoot location ideas here.

Closing Notes

Whether you're planning for your Fall family photos or another type of photoshoot, I'm excited to help walk you through everything to make it easier for you to enjoy this time with your family. It's always my goal to capture the best photos for your forever memories!

Underexposed® is proud to be an LGBTQ Ally and Foster Friendly Business, so all identities, cultures, abilities & genders are welcome and supported.

Start designing your Fall Family Photos today!


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